Solid Day in the Woods - Circuit Bmx x Profile Racing x Radshare
Summer shredding in a backyard paradise...
12 Sep 2021
Filmed and edited by Matt Coplon.
Nothing like a summer session at someone's backyard paradise:
"Solid day in the woods.
It could have been any day, really, but this was mid-summer, in Foster, Rhode Island.
Thanks to Vic and Cara Bettencourt for having us out.
Circuit Bmx /Profile Racing/ Radshare.
Clips of Vic and Cara Bettencourt, Becky Aspel, Cam Childs, Cody Diggs, Bubba, Matt Plassman, Sam Townsley, Nate Carron, Jamie Cooper Ellis, and Chris Hallman."
BATTLE OF HASTINGS 2021 - FINALS Livestream / Sunday 12th September
UK 3.45PM / PST 7.45am / EST 10.45am

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