STASH BMX TAIWAN | Robin Slootmaker: Crust Keys 1
1 Jul 2024
Video by Stash BMX
Loving all the footage coming out of Taiwan lately, and now we've got another fresh dose of Taiwanese street gold for you via Stash BMX and Robin Slootmaker. Looking at all those spots, we need to book a flight!
"It feels like yesterday, I still remember around 2013 when I was still a colleage student in Kaohsiung, I saw this guy looking hella bmx, I knew he was a rider. That night KS legend Aga (Jason) called me saying there was an American dude haning at the shop (Liberty BMX Shop). It was Robin Sloot! Since then we started to ride all around Taiwan together for over a decade, this old man is 35 now! I still can't believe the stoke is still high, he still keep pushing his style and skill to the next level, and most important of all he still enjoys riding, traveling with the homies more than ever! Recent years he's been active in Asian bmx scene, dedicated to bringing more riders around the world to this beautiful island This is going to be a very original crusty Taiwan street video." - Allen Liu / Stash BMX
2024年臺灣終於迎來了更多的國際車手來訪,借這個機會我也很幸運地得到一些BMX攝影師如英國的Rich Forne, Archie Kenward韓國的Ji Hoon Lee, 法國的Jey及地方車手Allen以及OG Ed(艾迪)所拍攝的畫面。
這部影片靈感來自,當你是一位Spot獵人以及嚮導時,你必須知道這座城市裡通往Spot的鑰匙(關鍵雙關)。這部影片也非常感謝台灣的Spot、台灣的BMX族群、台灣的街頭小吃以及更重要的STASH BMX持續的支持!沒有Allen和STASH車店作為BMX發展基礎,台灣的BMX不會有現在的樣子。希望藉著這部影片能夠讓更多人看到台灣很棒的Spot,和逐漸茁壯的台灣BMX族群,再次感謝STASH BMX TAIWAN 🇹🇼
拍攝: Rich Forne Archie Kenward Ji Hoon Lee Jey “McFly” Ghouila Ed Mayhew Allen Liu
剪輯: Robin Slootmaker
'彷彿還像是昨天,還記得大約2013年還在大學時期在高雄路上看到羅賓,當年他剛到台灣,我一眼就覺得他是BMX Rider,果然當晚阿嘉就打電話來說有個美國來的老外在Liberty BMX,他就是羅賓Robin Sloot! 就這樣過了十多年,這老傢伙也已經37歲了!一起征戰台灣各地Spot多年,很難相信他仍然還是超級熱血,仍不斷地把自己的風格和技術推上更高檔次,更重要的是他還是非常享受騎車、旅行、和朋友們一起拍片。近幾年他也非常活躍在亞洲各國媒體間,致力於將台灣BMX接軌國際! 非常令人期待的一部純街道作品!'
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