Follow @digbmx for #THESTREETSERIES #BMXDAY on Instagram
Worldwide for 24 hours
18 Jul 2015

By Joey Spinoza
Today we've got DIG photo and video guys at all of the #streetseries events worldwide, with Fred Murray, Kerr Bisland and Peter Adam in Glasgow, Devin Feil and Veesh in SF, Rob Dolecki, David Leep, and Grant C in Chicago, Andrew White and Ben McPherson and Will Stroud with Vince Perraud in Nagoya.
We'll be closely following Nathan Williams, Dakota Roche, Dan Lacey, Benny L, Ed Zunda and of course everyone and everything else that goes down. We'll have some unique photo and video content to follow but for the next 24hrs be sure to follow us here and catch what's going down worldwide in support of #BMXDAY

Anthony Derosa - Low Profile
"Surrounding yourself with the right people is super important."
Thunder VHS Soundtrack
If this doesn't make you want to go and have it then you're dead inside...
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