Setups: Dillon Leeper
A look into the Richmond, Virginia shredder's whip...
28 Dec 2016

Words and Photos by Rob Dolecki
Profile's Dillon Leeper and brother Shane spent the weekend in Houston, Texas recently, staying at Dylan McCauley's apartment and cruising the city with Grant C, Jake Seeley and Jeff K. In between rainstorms and vehicle break-ins, we caught up with him and got the lowdown on what he's been riding in recent months.

Frame: FBM custom Gypsy, 21” TT
Forks: Odyssey R32
Bars: FBM US Apes, 9” rise
Grips: ODI longnecks
Stem: Profile Push, 53mm
Headset: FBM
Chain: Fly
Seat/ seat post: FBM Blackheart, DECO pivotal
Cranks: Profile Column, 170mm
Pedals: FBM PC
Sprocket: Profile/ FBM Quickness, 28T
Pegs: Bone Deth Coffee G rinders
Front wheel: Profile Elite, Sun Indy rim
Back wheel: Profile Z Coaster, 9T, Sun Indy rim
Tires: Merritt BF tires

Why bar height?
I'm a big fan of 9" bars, I've been riding the same size bars for the last 5 years.
Why crank length?
I just put on 170s. I rode 180s for a long time. My first bike had them, and it’s what Shane (brother) rode. I ended up running 175s for a while. I had a conversation with Matt Coplon about short cranks, and after that I got a pair of 170 from him. I did a shorter stem also, and I like the feel of it.
Why top tube length?
I’ve rode 21 for the last ten years. . I don’t change my bike setup ; it’s been the same setup for several years. I’m not too big a fan of change; I keep it classic.
Favorite part?
That’s tough. I’d have to say my cranks. Ever since I started riding the Column cranks, I haven't had a problem with breaking or bending them. It has always been one part I have problems with.
No modifications. I don’t cut anything at all. I keep it pretty simple.

What’s with the hub guard setup with the nut?
Shane: For this particular setup the frame is wider than the hub, causing him to use washers which throws the press fit hub guard off just a little. I tried to set it up in a hurry before a trip and that seems to be working pretty well.
Dillon: I plan on taking it off for now and rock my old set up.
Tell me about your all-time favorite bike?
Honestly, the bike I’m on now. John Corts is really good with frame specs. The frame I’m on now is another it has a little shorter stand-over height, and more personal.
What do you like riding these days?
Anywhere my friends are riding.
Plans for 2017?
Going to Florida, possibly a Colorado trip. Going to Ecuador in May to visit Mike Hinkens, and the regular FBM trips. Anywhere and everywhere I can after that. I plan on traveling a whole bit in the upcoming year.
Dillon Leeper is supported by Official DIG Partners: Profile

Dillon truckdriving through Houston, before logging some heavy miles non-stop back to Richmond a few days later.
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