Snapshots - East LA Street Jam
Oriol & Anthony 'Boy' Flores draw a crowd in East LA
5 Aug 2015
of 16
Photos and words by Cooper Brownlee
I was blown away by the number of riders who showed up to the jam, especially as there were a few BMX events going down that day. At least 100 riders were out, roaming the streets in between the spots Boy had picked out for the sessions. He had even pre-waxed all the spots.
The hype surrounding the jam meant the riding was high quality, but for me it was the random shit that went down throughout the day which really gave this jam a pure street vibe. It was things like seeing the LAPD giving up on trying to get us to stop riding spots, the traffic coming to a halt, the guy playing his saxophone and overwhelming the riders with his impromptu gig in a parking lot, and other cops escorting us out of an area for probably a mile or two. These were the things that really set the vibe for the day. Sure, we all ended up with heat stroke, but we still had a stack of laughs. Even the guy that tried a ridiculous gap to wallride and busted out a few teeth was stoked.
Thanks to Oriol Bike Shop who hooked us all up with free food and drink, and Boy for making the day what it was. Hopefully I’m around for the next one.
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