The Alive & Well DVD Photo Journal
6 Months In Melbourne with Focal Point
Words & Photos: Cooper Brownlee. Additional Photos courtesy of: Pat Freyne, Marius Dietsche, Jake Deering, Chris Whyte and Kym Grosser.
The plan was to film a DVD over the 6 month period where the weather was good and the days were long in Melbourne. I didn't want to do a project that put too much pressure on my friends to kill themselves, it was purely up to them to produce whatever they wanted for their parts.
As most the guys featured in the video had never been involved in a DVD project before the motivation was super high for all of them and the end result is something special because of that.

If you don't keep traffic cones in your car you're slippin.

Locked in crankarm on an almost perfect kinker for Australian standards.
Jack Kelly is no stranger to filming video parts so he was on top of this project the entire time and really focused on stacking some crazy shit for his part which earned him the ender section.

Clip review after a long battle.

Hefty move topped off nicely with the cameo of Kym's dog Boof.
Kym Grosser filmed his entire section in 3 months but you wouldn't know it due to Kym's experience with filming video parts. Every time we would meet up he had spots in mind and clips to get and he always came through. That really helped as Kym's worked schedule only had him able to ride during the week.

City missions were always with a stacked squad.

Police stations always seem to have spots but only KG is man enough to hit them

We tried to tell Pat to wait until the trade ute's had moved but he was adamant he would get it first shot, which he did.
Pat Freyne moved to Melbourne from country Victoria around a year ago which was probably the best decision he has made in his life. In turn with his move, his riding ability progressed ten fold. Pat was always super motivated to go out on missions or line up a trip with the crew.

Pat is a tall human but he even looks small on this beast.

Originally Pat had something in mind for this spot but it didn't work out so Dizzy stepped to the plate.
Although Diz wasn't able to get out on any of the out of town trips he actually stacked the most clips for the video. He was also well known for the amount of rough crashes he had yet would get right back up again and handle the clip.
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The clip battle got the best of Jack on this day.
This one didn't work out that well for Pat.

I can't stress enough how wild this backwards is that Marius did. It's tall, thin and the fact you have to pop out before the kink at the end is insane.

Weekday spot's can be hard to come buy but this rail is always good to go. Rail tyre slide from Sean.
I had never really filmed with Sean Falkenstein before but seeing as his lives with Kym Grosser he had the same outlook on getting clips where he would have ideas for spots and clips ready for the days we spent out riding so we always had productive days.
Everyone chipped in with the 2nd angle duties.
It's always a good feeling about this time.

This one really didn't work out for Pat at all and I think we all kind of knew it wouldn't.

Bolts hanger in Sydney in-between sidewalk traffic and naked ladies.
Alex Bolton had a serious head injury off the bike just before we started filming for A&W so he had some catching up to do but somehow when he was able to ride again he had somehow progressed.

This took way longer than Bolts would have wanted considering his barspin skills but he got there in the end.
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