The 10 Best Apps For A BMXer
Staring at your phone has never been better...
23 Aug 2016

By Paul Robinson Photo Fred Murray
No matter what you think about them, they have a purpose and everyone loves them - in fact there is a small teen somewhere with thick rimmed glasses and fluffy crap hanging from their backpack with a t-shirt that reads iLOVE APPS. Here is a list of the best apps that WE at DIG think every BMX rider needs to survive (survive is maybe a strong word).
Note: We purposely haven’t included any spot finding apps because that shit is a hot potato alright. We decided not to include Tinder also, even though every BMXer has it (or did have it and swears they will never download it again until the next time they download it).

1. Muscle Trigger Points Cost $2.99 / £2.29
Lets start with the pain app. This is a great app if you’ve taken a slam and then need to deal with the recovery yourself. This app can help you pin point that pain and locate trigger points (trigger points are tight places in a muscle that cause pain to be felt elsewhere in the body) so then you can dust off the foam roller and work it out directly. It’s a really good app for the type of rider who likes to take care of their body.

2. iTranslate Free
Every PRO or upcoming AM should have this app if they intend on a lifetime of travelling. Especially when you end up at contest in Tokyo and you drank a load of Saki and woke up in some dodgy looking massage parlor and need to ask the street cleaner how to get back to the hotel that you forgot to get the name of.

3. Dark Sky Cost $3.99 / £2.99
The built in Weather App on an iPhone is pretty basic and although it sort of gives you an idea of what’s going to happen for the day Dark Sky can tell you at a glance exactly when it will rain or maybe snow up to an hour in advance. This is handy when you live in a crappy country and you really want to go film a clip in between the rain showers.

4. Hopper FREE
Hopper is an airfare tracking app that helps you get the best price and lets you know when a flight is likely to go up or down in price. You can select a flight route and then watch it (a bit like EBAY) and it will notify you if anything changes in cost. This is perfect because airlines crank up their prices like the hot dog man at the festival, luckily this app can help you beat the bastards as best you can.

5. What’sApp FREE
Because there is always one dickhead who doesn’t have an iPhone.

6. Death Lens $1.99 / £1.49 (Free Version Also)
If you have bought the Death lens and case then you should already have this app, good points are that it removes the lens wobble you get but bad points are you can't use the slo-mo option integrated into the iPhone. I guess Death Lens should work on incorporating that, if they haven’t already.

There is a ton of these filter draping arty wank apps but this one seems to at least be alright, and it’s a community, whatever that means. If you take photos with your iPhone and you want to sharpen them, add a fancy vignette or just make them look like 1969 then this app can do all that and more.

8. iMovie $4.99 / £3.99
You can spend an hour downloading 10 different FREE movie-making apps to find out they are all crap or you have to pay 60p to trim a clip but why not just download the OG and cut out the hassle. It cuts, trims your videos, exports them, makes them noir looking and you can add music or fade it to black. What more do you need right?
Note: If you haven't done your paper round this month then there is also 'Splice' but it's a bit fiddly if you have fat fingers...

9. Google Maps FREE
I can’t actually compile a list of apps for BMX riders without including Google Maps. If you don’t have it and you are using Apple Maps then you need to stop sucking on Steve Jobbs' balls and download Google. Where would we be without this, would we actually have to use paper maps? Would we actually have to ask people where spots are? Would we have to think?

10. The Dig App
Well look at that for a plug, in at number 10 is our very own app, which is all you need to check out all the fresh videos every damn day. Go download it now along with the rest of these apps.

Do you have a better list or any additions? Feel free to list them below in the comments and we'll in no way steal your suggestions and try to take the credit for them.
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