The Dom Phipps 'Wall To Wall Freestyle' Podcast
24 May 2017

Interview by Shad Johnson
For the latest episode of our DIG x Snakebite podcast series Shad Johnson sat down with Dom Phipps to talk with him about the epic new book he is working on called 'Wall To Wall Freestyle'. This is shaping up to be possibly the most comprehensive project ever undertaken about the history and influence of BMX freestyle and is much more than just an 'old school' BMX project.
Listen in as Dom discusses everything from unsung pioneers to Dennis Enarson, and how he even got the infamous 'Muster Cluster' of Spike Jonze, Andy Jenkins and Mark Lewman back together to talk BMX and those hugely influential days of Wizard Publications.

Find out more about the release and how you can secure your copy of the book by following the links below.
For more info: w2wfreestylehistory.com For regular updates: instagram.com/wall2wallfreestyle/
This is a digbmx.com release in collaboration with snakebitebmx.com

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