Nathan Williams - A Year In The Life
And what a year!
Photos by Fred Murray, Andrew White, Alex Valentino, James Cox, Jack Birtles, Kevin Conners and John Povah
When you're Nathan Williams and you've been filming for multiple video parts at the same time over a long period your travel schedule is unsurprisingly hectic. We've been spending a lot of time with this guy over the past year so we thought we'd let the man himself run down what he got up to each month. Needless to say, it's not your average year in the life!

United, San Diego - Geoff Slattery, Jack Birtles, Dan Boiski and a few others from the United crew filming for the new dvd. I was living in SD at the time with Christian Rigal and few others so this was an easy in town trip for Christian and I.
The United crew. Photo - Jack Birtles
You can get away with anything when you've got a hi-vis jacket on. Photo - Jack Birtles

You know those wheels go through a lot! Photo - Jack Birtles.
Etnies, San Diego - Kind of an impromptu trip with Aaron Ross for the Etnies chapters video
United, Israel - For myself personally, I was really excited to go here. There is tons of history to be seen and lots of spots to ride. Plus Rich Forne lives there parts of the year, so it was rad getting to be shown the city by him! Also thanks to Itamar and Tal for making our stay so nice!
4Down 1Up / Antidote, England- FourDown in England was doing a cool contest where each rider has one filmer and one week to film a part inside the warehouse there. So I went over for that and then stayed after for a week to spend some time with my good friend James Cox. He also runs Antidote, so we took a little trip up north to Sheffield to hang out and ride and get a few clips for the project we’re workin on.

Enjoying the view over Hastings with United teammate Jimmy 'Nana' Rushmore. Photo - James Cox.

Casual 180 bars during the filming of the Team Williams 4Down 1Up video - make sure you give that another watch above! Photo - Fred Murray.
Etnies, Germany - So my good buddy Tom Creasy was getting married and having his stag in Frankfurt. So Will Stroud, Ben Lewis, Fred Murray and myself decided that was a perfect excuse to plan a filming trip after the little stag. It was a great time, and thanks to Bruno Hoffmann and the entire Ciao crew for such great hospitality!
Checking the clip with etnies filmer Will Stroud. Photo - Fred Murray.
The Ciao dudes took us around Frankfurt and showed us way too many incredible spots. This out ledge even had a metal coping! Photo - Fred Murray.
Watching etnies teammate Ben Lewis snag another insanely technical clip. Photo - Fred Murray.
On the final day in Frankfurt Slayer did the wildest curb cut move i've ever seen - you'll have to wait until DIG 99.5 to see what he got up to! Photo - Fred Murray.

Big and fast pegs hard 3 with some really wild spectators out of shot to the left. Quite literally, there was a circus across the street and i'm sure the giraffe looked impressed. Photo - Fred Murray
MAY '15
Etnies, Atlanta - ATL is a place I’ve been going for many years, since its only about 4 hours from Nashville. I grew up riding with quite a few people from down there, so I was pretty excited to be able to go back and do a trip to film for the Etnies DVD project that should be out next year. Endless spots and the culture in Atlanta is amazing. Many thanks to Chris Burden and Talem Cowart!

To put it simply, Nathan destroyed Atlanta... Photo - Andrew White.

Goddamn! The window of motivation is only so wide and you gotta be ready to go at the right moment. I don’t know if the ice was what he had in mind from the get-go, but after he laced some perfect nollie gap to pegs there was no holding back the banger. Photo - Andrew White.
JUNE '15
United, Albuquerque - I’ve heard such great things about Albuqurque for so many years, and only had the chance to stop, passing through for an hour or so, so I was stoked when United decided to plan a trip there. It definietly lived up to everything I’ve heard and seen. Mario Carrasco, who now lives in Denver, was nice enough to drive down for our duration and show us around. Thanks dude!
Little bud. Photo - Alex Valentino.
You'll have to wait for the upcoming 'Still United' DVD to find out what Nathan is up to here! Photo - Alex Valentino.
JULY '15
The Street Series / United, UK - This was a cool one because some of the United team flew into london, we all got in a van, drove to Exeter where we started our trip and slowly made our way up through england and into scotland, where we ended our trip in Glasgow for the Street Series. That was a really good way to end the trip, and it was great to see all the people that came out to ride and hang out for that. Huge thanks to everybody that came out to support that! Hopefully there are more next year!

Tailwhip at a dreamy spot in a less than desirable area in Edinburgh, Scotland. Photo - Fred Murray.

When you're on the road as much as Nathan you've got to be able to make the most of that precious sleeping time. Roadside kip while we waited for the ground to dry up. Photo - Fred Murray.
Nathan catching boss man Mozza icing a rail he probably did before most of the kids watching on have been walking. You won't believe the size of the rail Ian did the day after... Photo - Fred Murray.
Presenting the Glasgow Street Series ring to Slick Nick. Photo - Fred Murray.
Monster filming trip, Nashville - I had Dan Lacey and a couple others come into Nashville for about a week for some filming on a project Lacey is working on. Always great having friends come to your hometown and be able to show them the things we all like doing.
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Interbike / Etnies, Las Vegas - Short Interbike / Nora Cup experience and then Aaron Ross, Stroud, Conners, Povah and myself stayed afterwards to see what we couldn’t get done for the upcoming Etnies DVD. Luckily the Vegas heat gave a little bit of a break and we were able to actually get out and explore. Thanks to Kevin Conners, who used to live there for a while because without him we’d but up shit creek without spots!
Pit stop from the heat. Photo - Kevin Conners.
Nathan and the nollie hanger - If a job is worth doing then it's worth doing right. Photo - Kevin Conners.
Etnies, California - My girlfriend had some really cool music opportunities out in LA during this time, so I just thought it would be a good time to go out a little early, hang with Dak for a while and try and get some more clips for the Etnies DVD project. This one was great for a lot of reasons. I hadn’t gotten to see Dak in a good while, and he’s one of my favorite people to ride with so that was already a huge plus, and Mike Manzoori was able to come out and film which was a huge treat. On top of being a rad person, he’s a badass on a board and really knows how to work a camera, so for me that was a huge honor. Then ended the trip with a little two day vacation with my lady to Joshua tree!
Cheesin'. Photo - John Povah.
Nathan out. Photo - @united_nathan
United, California - This was dubbed the “last trip” for filming for the United DVD. Which might or might not have cursed the trip. There were quite a lot of pretty bad injuries, which put out 3 of the 6 riders on the trip for the majority of the time. We started in San Diego and stayed there for 5 days, then drove up to San Fran for the remaining 5 days. All in all it still wasn’t an all bad trip, but the universe wanted to make it hard on the crew at least! So filming in wrapped up and the video is scheduled to be dropping in February!

A bad knockout and a trip to the dentist for a root canal and the dude is still smiling! Photo by Andrew White
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