Setups - Fathead
Sanding Down New Pedals
18 Jul 2017

Photos by Fooman
Star of DIG's 'No Donuts' and owner of one of the best hop whips out there, we present Fathead and his S&M BTM. Read on to find out about sanding down new pedals and the joys of a piece of string.

Frame: S&M BTM
Forks: S&M Pitchfork
Bars: Credence OG
Cranks: Animal Akimbo
Grips: FIT Tech
Chain: Animal Mike Hoder
Chain ring: Animal V4
Pegs: Nil
Front hub: Animal
Front hub: Animal
Rear hub: Animal
Seat: Bicycle Union
Seat clamp: Nil
Stem: FIT BF - had it for 5 years
Tyres: United direct
Headset: Animal
Pedals: Animal Hamilton

How is this set up specific to your riding needs?
Specific needs lol, I don't know what my needs are but it's very comfortable and responds fast to my neeeeddssss
Special mods? What’s with the string?
String is more of a bow to times gone by, tying things to bikes was a thing in the late 90's early 00's. I don't run pins on my pedals, hate the locked in feeling, cut flanges and rings off grips, and about 60 psi that'll do it!
"I don't run pins on my pedals, hate the locked in feeling, cut flanges and rings off grips, and about 60 psi that'll do it!"

What are you most particular about on your bike?
Pedals! I have to sand them down in a curb before riding, weird I know
Parts you go through the most?
Pedals tyres and headsets, bike goes flying a lot always flipping out!
How often do you work on your bike, are you a bike maintenance type of guy?
Not really I much rather my bike to feel beaten up, my bikes always feel best when I need a new one. I like the worn in feel!

Fathead is supported by Official DIG Partners: S&M / Animal Bikes
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